Sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution: a silent explosion in Europe
An alarming phenomenon is spreading across the continent: the sexual exploitation of minors.
Tens of thousands of young people, in France alone, are victims of this invisible scourge.

Internet, new hunting ground
While child prostitution has existed for a long time, social media has increased the risks. Access to explicit sexual content involving minors is disconcertingly easy, and contacting young victims can be done in just a few clicks.

A powerless justice?
The judicial system is also struggling to understand this phenomenon. Refusal of complaints, dismissal of cases... Justice sometimes seems powerless in the face of the reality of this extreme danger.

Victims difficult to identify
Social workers are faced with complex psychological defense mechanisms in victims, such as dissociation or shock. The "casual" speech of some young girls, emphasizing the lure of gain, makes it difficult to become aware of the seriousness of the situation they are experiencing, made up of rape, kidnapping, drugs, physical assault, mutilation, etc.

An urgent call to action
It is imperative to break the silence around this scourge and to put in place effective measures to protect minors. We must mobilize to fight against these sordid crimes. And above all, to warn that this exists and that no one is safe.

This is why we initiated Jericho
Ruthless Pimps
Pimps, often barely older than their victims, shamelessly exploit their vulnerability. The profits generated by child prostitution often exceed those of drug trafficking, for lesser risks.

At the initiative of the campaign
Pistes-Solidaires is a major player in European educational initiatives. The association works to bring Europe closer by connecting local and European issues, and by developing innovative approaches to topics that are little or poorly addressed, such as the sexual exploitation of minors.
This campaign has been funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European Union cannot be held responsible for them.

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